Dylan Grefte

SEO Specialist

Welkom bij Dygistic, mijn portfolio en  blog betreffende onderwerpen als (cross-border) e-commerce, digitale marketing en zoekmachine optimalisatie (SEO).

For business inquiries use the contact form below.

E-handel is ongetwijfeld een van de belangrijkste economische ontwikkelingen van de 21e eeuw. De toename van de internationale handel in combinatie met technologieën die bedrijven de mogelijkheid bieden om hun, betalingssystemen, voorraden en klantencommunicatie naadloos te beheren, maken de industrie toegankelijk, maar ook complexer om te beheren. Deze dynamische industrie, met constante nieuwe trends, steeds veranderende technologieën en focus op data kan soms overweldigend zijn. Daarom is Dygistic opgericht, om kennis te delen met professionals en bedrijven om hen te helpen hun doelen te bereiken.

Over mij

I am a cross-border e-commerce specialist with a passion for digitalisation, internationalisation and technology.


I am experienced in optimizing digital processes by utilizing programming languages and A.I.

My Experience

Over 3 years of experience in digital marketing and SEO.

My Working Process

Optimizing SEO through improving Technical aspects, Content and Off-Page Metrics.

Over Mij

E-commerce/Search Engine Optimization specialist en oprichter van Dygistic.

Van jongs af aan ben ik geïnteresseerd in technologieën en internationaal zakendoen. Deze interesses zorgden ervoor dat ik een opleiding volgde op het gebied van (internationaal) ondernemen en vaardigheden leerde zoals webontwikkeling, coderen, SEO en 3d printen.

Momenteel ben ik een internationale business professional & cross-border e-commerce specialist met meer dan 2 jaar ervaring als SEO, zowel persoonlijk als professioneel.


In de loop der jaren heb ik uitgebreide theoretische kennis en praktische ervaring ontwikkeld op het gebied van (internationaal) ondernemen, digitale marketing en (grensoverschrijdende) e-commerce. Hieronder staan enkele vaardigheden die ik tot nu toe heb ontwikkeld.

Hard Skills

Internationale Handel
Zoekmachine optimalisatie
Data Analyse
Web development vaardigheden (HTML, CSS, JS & WordPress)

Soft Skills

My defining personality trait, which I have developed by constantly making observations, conducting research, hypothesizing/testing solutions and reflecting on them while working for a wide variety of (international) businesses during my time as a student and SEO specialist.

Being able to analyze problems is one thing, being able to translate strategies into operable tactics and create actionable implementation, is another.

To create an actual impact, it is important to be able to be both analytical and pragmatic when it comes to implementation, which is something I have learned during plenty of personal and professional projects.


Within an ever-changing industry, it is important to be adaptable. Throughout the years I have learnt that expertise is not obtained through memorization of information, but rather through being able to acquire and process information in the most efficient manner and adjust your actions accordingly.

It is somewhat cliche, but yes, communication is key!

Throughout the years I have learned that proper communication is a must-have for any team or business relationship. By spending multiple years abroad working together with international businesses and diverse colleagues, I have learned that communication is not just about the message, but also about the person you are talking to, or as Covey puts it: “first seek to understand then to be understood.”

What drives people constantly learn new things and keep an open mind? I think nothing motivates this more than being curious.  I am a strong believer in not having to learn, but wanting to learn.

Being part of an organization, a culture, a group or a team is all founded on one thing, responsibility. One should not only be able to take responsibility for oneself, but also the people around them. Collective responsibility is what makes a project great.

My Experience

Years of SEO
0 +
Projects worked On
0 +
Links Built
0 +

Working Process

Besides my knowledge of cross-border e-commerce, my specialty lies in SEO.

I am experienced with the three main pillars of SEO and have expertise in all areas.


Technical SEO

Conducting technical SEO audits and improving your website by means of:


On-page SEO

Creating content marketing strategies and implementing them by means of:


Off-page SEO

Increasing website off-page performance and authority by means of:

Get In Touch

If you want to contact me, whether it is for personal questions or business inquiries, you can get in touch with me by the means of the options shown below. Just send me a message and I will try to respond as soon as possible.

Contact Information


For business inquiries, please use the form below.

Provide me with your name and email address, and I will get back to you as soon as possible!
